Life Insurance & Financial Advice

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Case Study: The Family Business Dynamics Nobody Talks About 

Case Study: The Family Business Dynamics Nobody Talks About 

Family businesses are complex organizations.  Their complexities go beyond those of a typical corporate. Sure, the usual firefighting does have to happen – people, operations, cash flow, and the rest.  But beyond those typical challenges, there are interpersonal family dynamics amongst involved and active family members. There are business heads (family members) with different personal and professional agendas, all of…

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Freeing Up Locked Capital Using Equity Release Loans

Freeing Up Locked Capital Using Equity Release Loans

They say, ‘Not all debt is bad debt.’  And they’re right.  Bad debt creates financial burdens. Impulsive borrowing and credit card debt fall into this category.  Good debt, on the other hand, refers to borrowing that has the potential to enhance your financial well-being or generate long-term value.  For instance, a home mortgage allows you to build equity, enjoy tax…

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Case Study: A Client Who Saves in Gold 

Case Study: A Client Who Saves in Gold 

Meet Vikas. He is a family-business entrepreneur with a rather classic problem: His family has been purchasing and saving gold for nearly three decades now. And I don’t mean gold as in jewelry – they’ve been buying, bartering, and saving actual gold bricks.  For the sake of this case study, let’s assume they’ve got about US$ 2 million saved up…

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Life Insurance for the Ultra-High Net-Worth Entrepreneur

Life Insurance for the Ultra-High Net-Worth Entrepreneur

Over the last few weeks, I’m finding myself in an increasing number of conversations with ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs and their families.  These businesspeople and their families often have one recurring question: ‘When we’ve got so much of everything, why do we need even more?’  They’ve got abundant cash reserves, hefty investment portfolios (enough for them to lead very, very comfortable lives…

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Using Life Insurance to Attract and Retain Top Talent

Using Life Insurance to Attract and Retain Top Talent

In my 20 years as a Life Insurance advisor, I’ve seen Life Insurance policies being put to many different uses by my clients. For high and ultra-high-net-worth entrepreneurs especially, Life Insurance can prove to be a diverse, powerful tool.  But I want to share with you a recent case and one of the most unique applications I’ve seen for Life…

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Dear Executive, Get Your Finances In Order While the Sun Shines. This Client Did.

Dear Executive, Get Your Finances In Order While the Sun Shines. This Client Did.

Life insurance is such a versatile tool. It can be used as collateral to secure a loan, protect your partnership or your business, ease wealth transfer and help your legacy to live on long after you are gone.  But so many of these Life Insurance applications are focused on entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship comes with its fair share of uncertainty. One bad…

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